
Old Elmwood Nebraska Photos

Below is a collection of photos of Elmwood Nebraska. Dating back to the Civil War. This collection has slowly grown, as people within the town have asked me to scan photos for them. I am putting them up here for anyone to use for historical purposes.

Hope you enjoy.
Boyd Clements

Flickr Gallery Below To View and download the photos, view directly on flickr.

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2 replies on “Old Elmwood Nebraska Photos”

Excellent photos! The Sumner photo on page 61 shows, clockwise from left rear: Helen Sumner; Maryalice (Sumner) Quellhorst (currently living in Olympia, WA); Nancy (Quellhorst) Miers (currently living in Marion, IA); Erika Quellhorst (daughter adopted in Germany); and Stephanie Quellhorst (Winters) (also living in Olympia, WA) sitting on Erika’s lap. The photo was taken at the Sumner residence in Elmwood when the Quellhorst family returned from Germany after Bryce Quellhorst’s second tour there with the U.S. Army.

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